Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First full week

Monday-Finish the safety videos and our guided video notes. The link to the videos can be found on the class Edmodo.com site.
Tuesday-Safety Quiz. The magic number here is 80%. You must get at least an 80% to continue on in the course. I will work with you if you did not get there. After the Quiz, we will start with conversions and measurement. There will not be homework
Wednesday-Retake the safety quiz and continue with Measurement and Conversions. We will continue our work with both measurements and conversions. Homework will be a conversions practice sheet. You will be assigned your book and given instructions for the online component of the book. Fill in the form on Edmodo with your book number.
Thursday- More practice and discussion of Scientific Notation, Measurement and Conversion. Homework is 36 conversion practice problems.
Friday-We will review the measurement practice sheet and work on our measurement and conversion paper slide movie. If your phone shoots video, or your carry a digital camera that can shoot video, that is all we need! Bring it to class! Homework will be to finish the paper slide video if not done in school. The video will be uploaded to edmodo.com by Monday morning.

8th Period Only:
Monday: Finish the safety videos and our guided video notes. The link to the videos can be found on the class Edmodo.com site.
Tuesday-Safety Quiz. The magic number here is 80%. You must get at least an 80% to continue on in the course. I will work with you if you did not get there. After the Quiz, we will start with conversions and measurement. There will not be homework.
Wednesday: We will look over our individual brain storming session build a group around our concept. Then we will agree on a set up for the challenge and build it. You will also get a copy of the online book instructions. You must set up an online textbook account and send me a copy of the confirmation. Thursday: We will finish our lab setup and run it. I want to see if we could move water from one location to the other against gravity without touching the flask or beaker. Will you make it happen? Lets see! The sheet for this is available on edmodo. Complete the sheet, and email it, print it, or drop it on edmodo.
Friday: You need to have submitted a copy of the online book account info by now. You will start working in your groups to make a paper slide video about measurement and conversions. If you have a phone that shoots video or a digital camera that can shoot video, feel free to bring it to class.

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